Mining Engineering
When you engage CDG for our mining engineering services, you’ll get more than just technical expertise. At CDG we understand the mining business from top to bottom, and we are committed to delivering the most favorable project outcomes, even when we are faced with unique industry-specific challenges. The team of mining engineers at CDG understands that no mining facility is exactly the same and we take the time to understand your specific operations, financial aspects and competitive environment so that we can work with you to develop innovative engineering solutions that meet your needs.
As a respected mining engineering company, CDG applies our in depth knowledge to assist major mining operations with their environmental, water, coal management and infrastructure projects. Our mining engineering consulting services include:
- Geological Structure Modeling
- Reserve Definition and Quality Modeling
- Quality Isopach Mapping
- Pit Design, Volumetric Determinations and Dynamic Scheduling Routines
- Swell Factor Determinations
- Hydrologic Control Plans
- Backfill Planning
- Spoil Projection Models for Dragline and Truck/Shovel Operations
- Post-Mine Topography Design Optimized by Property and Type of Mine Operation
- Post-Mine Stream Channel Design
- Determine Hydrologic Consequences
- Coal Bed Methane Water Management Plans
- State and Federal Surface Mining Permits
At CDG, we bring value to our clients throughout the mine lifecycle. Contact us today and let us show you what sets us apart from other mining engineering firms.